Starting over after losing everything is not easy. It requires a community to support newcomers working towards self-reliance.  Here are 5 ways you can help:


1. Donate to The Soft Landing Fund

Ensure families facing extreme hardship remain in their homes without fear of eviction and homelessness.

2. Collect Donations to Furnish Homes

Rally your friends, family, or community group to collect household goods and other items to make sure recently-arrived families have the things they need.

3. Find Affordable Housing

The affordable housing crisis disproportionately affects recently-arrived refugees and immigrants. Help us identify affordable housing or refer property owners with units available to rent to newcomer refugees and immigrants. and we'll follow up soon.

4. Volunteer with the 探花精选

There are many local volunteer opportunities to work alongside the 探花精选 in supporting recently-arrived refugees. Check out these opportunities in the 探花精选 office nearest you:

5. Advocate: Tell President Biden to reverse his asylum ban.

The Biden administration has introduced new policies that restrict asylum and put those seeking refuge - especially Black, Brown, and Indigenous people - into harms way. This new executive action would weaken refugee protection standards in violation of U.S. law.