GenR: LA members at this year's Mobility For Refugees event.
Photo: ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡

On September 29th, GenR and the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ in Los Angeles hosted Mobility for Refugees Volunteer Day.  

We all know what a challenge transportation in LA can be, often times making it difficult to get to job interviews and school.  Thanks to this special group, refugee families received brand new bicycles! To celebrate, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ volunteers and recently resettled families gathered for a fall carnival. It was a day of face painting, pumpkin painting, games, and even a little friendly soccer competition.

The funds for the bicycles came together late summer, when the GenR LA leadership team created a successful fundraising campaign to secure donations for the bikes and gear. The campaign included a unique fundraiser – Biking on the Beach – which helped the group increase momentum toward their goal.

Thanks to their innovative fundraising, GenR LA exceeded their goal: raising $3,635! Generous donors also provided bike locks, lights, and helmets.  

GenR LA is truly thankful to all the donors and volunteers who made this event possible, especially our local bike community for their partnership in this effort.  Special thanks to Benson Lam at for the tremendous support in sourcing , and helmet donations. Additionally, we would like to also thank the Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition (LABCC), and Kathe Ramirez to present an informative and engaging bicycle safety presentation.

GenR collected over $3600 to purchase 12 bikes and other items for ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ clients.
Photo: ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡

If you would like to support next year’s Mobility for Refugees bike event, you can do so on our .