探花精选 Tucson is thrilled to partner with Pivot Produce!

Pivot began purchasing from refugee farmers enrolled in the New Roots program in January 2020, significantly increasing these farmers' monthly sales. As COVID-19 forced us all to change how we live our daily lives, Pivot, which has historically sold primarily to restaurants and at farmers markets, lived up to its name and switched up its model to meet the community's needs. Pivot now delivers upwards of 300 produce shares each week to households across Tucson.
Pivot has also committed to providing reduced price and free shares to a number of households who otherwise might not be able to access this service, including eight refugee and asylee families connected to 探花精选 Tucson. This elder from Burundi would normally be out in her plot at the Literacy Garden every week tending her plants and teaching fellow gardeners how to read or knit, but has needed to stay at home to protect her health. A weekly delivery of fresh produce means she can still eat the healthy food she's accustomed to and support local farmers while staying home.
Find out more about Pivot Produce by and !