In the wake of the June 30th knife attack, the 探花精选 in Boise would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has stepped forward to support the victims. The support is much needed and is quickly being put to good use:

The 探花精选 in Boise is certainly not the only organizations supporting Wylie residents. Through your generous donations we are taking the lead in paying for necessary services, particularly medical bills, housing, cash to families, child care for families whose injuries make child care difficult and more.

A number of other Boise organizations are also mobilizing support, including: Glocal Community Partners, coordinating volunteers to help with transportation needs for families; American Red Cross of Greater Idaho, providing logistical coordination between supporting agencies; Boise School District, providing support to school aged Wylie children and their peers; Agency for New Americans, supporting their refugee clients impacted by the attack; Islamic Center of Boise, visiting impacted families and ministering to them; Boise Police Department, hosting Q&A session with tenants and thoroughly investigating the crime; Jannus, Inc., Economic Opportunity unit identifying which refugee child care businesses can mobilize to support survivors' families; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for providing volunteers and in-kind goods; and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Boise, for supporting costs related to Ruya's memorial. And thank you to Saint Alphonsus Hospital and St. Lukes Health System for excellent care of all the injured families.

There is still much to do and . Money raised will be used for services to the victims and their families who were physically injured or killed, and depending on need, to the refugee community impacted by the attack. The spending of the funds will be prioritized based on need, to medical bills, rehousing, lost wage replacement, child care for families rendered unable to care for children, mental health and other need-based services.

Please follow us on for more updates. We hope you take pride in the story of compassion, support and care that you are making. Thank you!