A growing body of research indicates that aid agencies are most successful when able to operate flexibly, particularly in fragile environments. Yet our systems and tools are often too rigid to effectively address complex problems, and program incentives frequently undermine adaptation instead of supporting it. To drive improvements in impact we need to be better able to analyse the dynamics of a given situation, anticipate how these might evolve, and be sufficiently agile to adapt to changes in context and need.

In 2015 the 探花精选 and Mercy Corps joined forces to launch ADAPT (Analysis Driven Agile Programming Techniques) to research, innovate and field test adaptive management techniques for the sector.

Three questions dominate the adaptive management discourse:

  1. What does it look like in practice?
  2. What impact can it have?
  3. And how can it best be nurtured?

ADAPT tackled these questions through case studies examining programs in different complex contexts. A report was published in July 2016.

Highlights of what we learned from each case include:

The learning and innovation of our field teams has been incorporated into adaptive management pilots due to be launched in Central African Republic, Chad, Niger, Nigeria and Yemen in May 2016.