The world is currently experiencing an unprecedented hunger crisis. More than 45 million children under 5 are acutely malnourished worldwide, likely leading to an estimated more than one million preventable deaths this year. In Somalia alone last year, an estimated 43,000 people died amid Somalia’s longest drought on record; half of them likely were children under 5 years old.
Most global problems do not have clear solutions, but this one does. The ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ and its partners around the globe have developed innovative solutions to avert preventable child deaths in this crisis and are delivering that solution to tens of thousands of clients. But under the global status quo, 8 in 10 children threatened by acute malnutrition around the world do not receive the care they need. This must change.
In this brief, the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Health unit provides an overview of what it will take to truly tackle the acute malnutrition treatment gap and deliver life-saving care to millions of children around the globe during this crisis and beyond.